Dogs Never Forget What Amuses Them

Mine purposely acts pathetic to get what she wants

Kristi Keller
3 min readJun 30, 2022
Image by author

Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed that your dog never forgot what a sprinkler was after the first time they dove into one.

For Dezi, it was the summer of 2021 in the middle of a heatwave that our city has never felt before. Nobody wanted to exert the effort to put one foot in front of the other on pavement hot enough to fry an egg.

But we still needed to go for pee-walks.

The minute we stepped outside of our complex there it was. A sprinkler powerful enough to irrigate a small farm splitting through the stifling blanket of air like a hot knife through butter.

This was Dezi’s first summer as a grown dog which meant it was also her first time seeing such a contraption.

She had no idea how to approach the gizmo emitting its loud FFTTT…FFTTT…FFTTT racket but somehow she figured out it was water shooting out the other end.

We all wanted water that day. Trust me.

Dezi cautiously and standoffishly approached. When some stray droplets of water hit her nose she instantly realized this was her alleviation from the sweltering heat enveloping us.



Kristi Keller

Write like no one is reading, because it might be true. Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story.