Kristi Keller
1 min readApr 20, 2019


Greg thank you for reading and responding. And what you just said is what I’ve heard so many times from inmates….every day is just another day. This was a medium/minimum facility in Western Canada. It seems like most prisons of that level here have some form of family socials for the holidays. It doesn’t always mean we as outsiders get to participate. I once flew to another province to visit my inmate for Christmas and my shoe hit positive on the ion scanner. I was denied entry and sent away. I sat in my hotel room all weekend crying, while waiting for my flight home. I was humiliated and that was the last time I ever went for a prison visit, so as not to subject myself to that again. On the outside every day is just another day too. We do the time alongside our inmates.



Kristi Keller
Kristi Keller

Written by Kristi Keller

Write like no one is reading, because it might be true. Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story.

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